2PM ‘Must’ Serenade You

Tara Edwards
2 min readJul 9, 2021


The 2PM ‘Must’ album cover featuring the members in black and white with red font.

Second generation k-pop fans, a title referring to k-pop fans who got into k-pop between 2009 and 2013 (argue about it in the comments if you want) have been recently treated to a resurgence of many groups who debuted and gained popularity during that golden era. With the surge of Brave Girl’s “Rollin” on the charts and SHINee’s delightful treats of “Don’t Call Me” and “Atlantis,” many of us wondered what JYP would serve with 2PM’s post-conscription hiatus album.

After the sultriness of “Grown” and “Gentleman’s Game,” 2PM continues their dedication to the grown-and-sexy sound with jazz heavy “Must.”

The title track of the album, “Make It” is a mid-tempo jazz-pop song combining the sultry voices of the members with tempting piano and guitar that reminds me that these are men in their 30s instead of the teens and early 20s of their contemporaries. Noise music, as it is called in late 3rd and 4th generation k-pop, will not be found anywhere on the “Must” album, and that’s what makes it instantly appeal to those of us too tired to put our “Hands Up” every hour.

The rest of the album follows excellently in same vein as “Make It,” with highlight tracks including the gorgeous and more classic 2nd generation heavy baselines on “Champagne” and sweet vocal harmonies (with some classic R&B crooning) on “Moon & Back.” While some might found the soundscape across the album limited in comparison to some of the more experimental albums of other K-pop groups, 2PM invites you to open a bottle of wine and relax after an exhausting work week rather than to twerk on your sofa to decompress.

And if you’re 30+, that will always be appealing as an activity.

The album raps up with a special treat to Hottests (the name of the 2PM fandom) in the form of an acoustic version of “My House,” one of 2PM’s most popular tracks. 2PM is comfortable in their legacy and the ability to produce music they themselves are proud of, creating a relaxed experience for those of us who are moving from the reactionary new k-pop fan to the seasoned listener.

